
さようなら ♡

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⠀ ` · . 𐙚 let the maggots sing . miliis this where i belong? the furthest i could've gone?

this the end of yume's story... she swallowed a lot of her meds and hopes that she won't wake up. even as she writes this, she can feel her body struggling to accept it.

yume is sorry... very sorry to everyone for never being good enough and never trying hard enough. yume thought she was strong and could do anything. but she can't go on anymore. she's tired and drained. this is as far as she goes. and she wonders what the afterlife looks like.

despite it all... secretly she's hoping to be saved. she's hoping someone will whisper, "stop this yume.. you don't have to go through this alone." but no one utters a word. she deleted her socials, removed her piercing, and is writing her goodbye. maybe yume's spirit guides are disappointed and maybe they laugh. after all, everything has been yume's fault.

if yume was normal, if yume was average maybe she'd be working a minimum wage job. or maybe she'd have a college degree by now. or maybe she'd be in the military. why couldn't she be normal? why was she born defective and unwell?

she's ruined so much that there's no way to come back. yume wanted to study abroad and study fashion design, be a silly youtuber that shares her journey towards healing. because she wanted to uplift others and make them feel less alone. yume wanted to get married to her beloved knight and live with him till she grew old. yume the princess and the knight would've lived together in a grand house and every moment would've been filled with love.

but thats nothing more than a delusion. a false hope. unrealistic. yume won't ever be saved from the tower called life and everlasting trauma.

yume's sorry... sorry to her knight for not patiently waiting for his arrival. or escaping the tower herself. yume's worthless like that, y'know? can't do anything by herself. before she was so scared that maybe contacting her guides and casting spells were works of satan, but this right here very well may be. not the witch activities.

because yume's given up. satan has won. the deal was sealed when she swallowed those pills.

maybe the next life will be better... ♡