
頑張れ ♡

: ¨ ·.· ¨ :
⠀ ` · . 𐙚 dream . circusPsailing to coffee seas, with sugar stars falling to me.

ah... today yume failed to be as productive as he wanted to. ( ♡ ◞ ‸ ◟ ) yume got to caught up with jumpstarting this blog... despite that though. he learned a little something and it's that he dislikes web design. it makes his head all fuzzy and things hard to remember. however, he's going to end the night on a somber note by finally meditating and sharing something with the readers.

今日の ことは 心配 しないで、 次のために 何が 出来るか 集中しよう。🪽

don't worry about today, let's focus on what we can do tomorrow. the day is almost over anyway. no need to fret over something that'll soon be over.

so yume is going to try looking back at some positives from today and do better tomorrow.